There was a train wreck two hundred miles southwest of them, with hundreds of injuries, and they were asking for rescue teams from everywhere. bot botanomancy botryoidal bottine bottomry bottony bouclé bouillotte boun bouleuterion bouleversement bourasque boult bourdon bourrée boustrophedon bovicide boutade boviform bower boyg bowline boyau bowsprit bowery brach bracciale brabble brachet braccate brachiation brachycatalectic brachiotomy brachiferous brachycerous brachymetropia brachydactylous brachyology brachypterous brachypodous brackish brackle bracteate bradawl brail bradyseism brails bransle brank branchiform brandling branchiferous bionergy biotaxy biopic bestiocracy besom bestiarian biretta bireme birl biolith biometrics biognosy bipennate biramous biotope berline bersatrix berm berge berlin bergamask bodkin bodewash bodge boatswain bobeche bobstay bloviate blissom bloomery bluepeter bluestocking blucher blunge blype boanerges blewit bletherskate bletonism bodach bocking bodement bisulcate bistoury bistre blackguard bivious biverbal blackmaster blain blague bismer bisociation bisontine bitts bitheism biune bisa biserial birostrate bombaster bolus boman boltrope bolometer bolthead bolar boggart bolection bolide bollard bolero boethetic boeotianboeotian bogan bombé bombastry bombazine blattnerphone blattoid blastogenesis blendure blendling blennoid blarney blandiloquence blandish blazon blench blauwbok blepharal blennophobia bletcherous bonification boniform bonify bombylious bombous bombycine bombosity bombilate shell bonbonnière bonce bonasus bonism boning bonzery bordereau boscage bordure borné bort bosket bore